• An Ideal Reader

    Reading about Bill in these homages, I only wish I’d known him better. To me he was always a guy I hoped to run into more often, but our circles just didn’t cross often enough. Reading these tributes, it’s really wonderful to know that the guy I knew glancingly was the same guy everyone else…

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  • In Through the Out Door…farewell Bill

    I worked with Bill for only one year, but he left a lasting impression. When I saw his name in the SFGate article about the marathon, my heart literally sank…I actually felt like someone had punched me in the gut. I was really hoping it was another “William O. Goggins.” Terrible, but wishful thinking nonetheless.…

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  • A true gentleman

    I just heard the news about Bill 2 days ago and am still in complete shock. I only met him once 4 years ago when myself and two friends traveled across the USA — when we reached San Francisco Pat & Ute very kindly provided a meal for us. Bill was there too and was…

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  • At the top of his game

    WO was my cousin and I am so proud to share some of his genetic excellence. He was a man for all seasons and so humble in his travels through this world. At family gatherings he would fade into the background and take in all that everyone had to say…when he could have entertained the…

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  • Frisko days

    Many interns flocked through the door at Frisko magazine where I presided in my own benevolent tyrant way as founder and editor, but hands down, Bill Goggins is deeply etched into my mental hard drive. He was a bit older than most of the other interns there; many were FOC (fresh out of Columbia) or…

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  • Bill and I – the odd couple

    As we exist just now in a state of shock after having Bill taken away from us so absurdly I wanted to share a few thoughts about Bill, thoughts about my relationship with Bill that I never shared with anyone. Sorry but a lot of this is about me, that is my point of reference…

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  • Having known Aimee for years, it was by chance that I met Bill. Our good friend Nik Schulz had just moved into an incredible work space, that featured a gallery with regular showings curated by Paul Donald and his colleagues. (The spot across from Zeitgeist, above Scuderia). At one of those shows, we were standing…

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  • “When I grow up, I want to be Bill”

    I never had the pleasure of spending time alone with Bill – outside of work, of course, when I’d stand at his elbow, nervously watching him comb over a piece of copy I’d been reworking all day. If he found a snag, however small, I knew I could be there for hours into the evening…

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  • the force that through the green fuse drives the Goggins

    Bill Goggins walked into my office sometime, I don’t know, around 1991, maybe ’92. He was applying for an internship at SF Weekly, where I was an editor at the time. (This was before it was a chain paper; don’t let me bore you with that story.) He had some experience at a public radio…

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  • Bumping Into Bill

    I’m definitely one of those believers that people who remain connected to each other do so for reasons that span beyond our lifetimes. I wouldn’t say that Bill and I were intensely connected or ritually connected, but enough so that bumping into him was always special. Bill (as we all knew) was a unique human…

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